{{birth date}}
{{birth date and age}}
{{birth date and age2}}
{{birth-date and age}}
{{birth year and age}}
{{birth based on age as of date}}
{{birth based on age at death}}
{{death date}}
{{death date and age}}
{{death-date and age}}
{{death date and given age}}
{{death year and age}}
{{age in years, months, weeks and days}}
{{age in years, months and days}}
{{age in years and months}}
{{age in years and days}}
{{age in years and days nts}}
{{age in decimal years}}
{{age in years}}
{{age in years nts}}
{{age in months}}
{{age in weeks and days}}
{{age in weeks}}
{{age in days}}
{{age in days nts}}
{{age nts}}
{{age as of date}}
{{age for infant}}
{{start date}}
{{end date}}
{{start date and age}}
{{end date and age}}
{{Unidentified for}}
{{Missing for}}